Thanks for getting in touch. If you could provide some more information below on your project before our meeting, that would be helpful. Your Name * First Name Last Name Business Name What story are you wanting to be told? What is the purpose of the video? What will you be promoting? What are you wanting to be filmed? Who is your target audience? Who are you wanting to target the video at? When are you wanting to release the video(s)? What is the approximate deadline? How many videos are you needing and what is the approximate length requirement of each? What is your approximate budget? This doesn't need to be exact, but if you do have a figure in mind, it helps to gauge how big of a production team is required and how much editing time is required What do you want your target audience to learn? What is the end goal? What values are you wanting to instil in your audience? What do you want your target audience to feel? What are you wanting someone to feel after watching the video? Where are you wanting to release the video? This helps me to plan out technical requirements Social Media Internal Use Online Learning platforms Broadcast Youtube Website Other Other examples Have you seen any other projects or videos you liked the style of that could match your project? Post the links below with a description of what you liked or didn't like. Anything else you'd like to add? How did you find me? Thanks for taking the time to fill out all that information. I'm looking forward to bringing your project to life.